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Beating the freelancer blues

The freelancer blues. We’ve all had ‘em right? It can be a bloody rollercoaster living our independent lifestyles - free from the chains of corporate servitude and just doing what we want, when we want. Well, that’s not quite true.

On a daily basis we can be juggling everything from marketing ourselves, to chasing up invoices, dealing with clients, meeting crazy deadlines and trying our best to be creative - even though some days it doesn’t come so easily.

And while no one can argue that when it’s good, it’s really good. But when it’s not so good, it can be stressful, isolating and overwhelming.

Where’s my next job coming from? I didn’t hear back from that client so they must think I'm useless. Why can’t I get this project right? This tight deadline means I’ll have to work over the weekend, otherwise I might lose the contract. I’m lonely not having anyone to talk to.

So we hope this blog contains some useful advice for how to navigate those muddy waters, whenever they arise. And if you ever need assistance or advice for how to get through a tricky situation, feel free to reach out to us directly.

Practicing Mindfulness

I’ve juggled a few bouts of depression in my time, and learning to control my thoughts has been a big part of preventing it from happening again. So I just wanted to share some ways you could introduce mindfulness into your day, to help slow those frantic thoughts and minimise catastrophizing. I’m certainly no guru, but the simple practices of mindfulness are quite calming and reassuring.

5 Simple Mindfulness Practices for Daily Life
How to Practice Mindfulness

Imposter Syndrome

Ugh. Imposter syndrome sucks. Every so often you’re just happily going about your daily life and BAM, it comes out of nowhere. That silly voice that tells you you’re not good enough, questions why you’re a freelancer, and proceeds to relay to you how many other, far better people are out there for your clients to choose. Here’s some tools that can hopefully help you understand imposter syndrome a little better - and ways to quieten that voice.

9 Ways to Deal With Imposter Syndrome Before It Hinders Your Success
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome - Jess Stuart
Guide to Navigating Imposter Syndrome - Jess Stuart

Mental Health & Creativity

It’s always so nice to be able to feature great advice from one of our own Villagers. In this ‘Reel Talk’ with Jason from Rocketspark, Sara-Jane Austen talks about taking care of your mental health and protecting your creativity.

You can listen and/or read it here.

Minimising Stress

Many of us enjoy freelancing because it isn’t the typical 9-5 (or is that more like 8-6?). But what can happen is that freelancing takes over our lives more than we plan for it to. And I say this as I write this newsletter on a Saturday evening - oops. We take on more than we should because we may worry about where the next job or project is going to come from, and end up exhausting ourselves in the process.

So here’s a couple more articles with some sound advice (that I should probably take myself) to make sure you don’t end up experiencing too much stress and ultimately, burnout.

Managing The Stress of Freelancing: Six Ways To Take Control
How to Avoid Freelance Burnout and Stress Without Quitting


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